ARDES proposes many technical solutions in order to mark and to customise visual ear tags: the marking pen, the laser, the ink or hot-stamping. These 4 solutions allow to suit to all printing demand such as logo, number, bar-codes, farm name, colour picture, text.
ARDES, thanks to its expertise in identification and traceability, can conceive and develop specific and unique products. These particular demands are the result of a work in collaboration with ARDES engineers that define specifications, to study possible issues.
In additional of 6 standard colours of our visual ear tags, ARDES has the possibility to develop additional colours. This customized option allows to suit to specific demands of users. For example, 6 additional colours for visual ear tags were develop for a Mexican breeder: 12 ear tags colours in total according to 12 months of the year, thus, to tag animals depending on the month of birth.