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Visual ear tags
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Visual ear tags

ARDES conceives and makes in France, for more than 30 years, animal identification solutions and commits itself to provide high performance products.

A wide range which responds to the needs

The visual range is composed of female and male ear tags, blank or printed, as well as applicators for installation. Our visual ear tags suit to all breeders of Cattle, Sheep, Goat and Swine with different choices of ear tag sizes and colors.

See technical videos

picto 99 retentionpicto traduction uv-resistantpicto made-in-france


    Our advantages

    A record retention’s rate is guaranteed with ARDES ear tags, thanks to an innovative assembly between the clip and the male tip and according to the principle of the harpoon.

    This assembly does not require much strength to the user for the installation of the ear tag, while ensuring a strong resistance.

    ARDES has developed drastic tests protocols, as much in laboratory as in the field, in order to ensure a sustainable and reliable identification.

    Durable identification

    High breaking resistance

    ARDES ear tags, once put, offer a 99,99% retention rate, while avoiding the tearing of the ear of the animal. According to laboratories studies, the necessary strength to break up the connection between the female and male ear tag is 10% higher than the standard competition. This optimal result is the fruit of a close cooperation with the Breeding Institute and the French Ministry of Agriculture.

    *More information on the realized tests.

    Plastic material that stands the test of time

    The premium polyurethane, used to make ARDES ear tags, is selected in partnership with our suppliers, who are World leaders of chemistry. This material resists to the UV aggressions and to the hardest climatic conditions. ARDES visual ear tags keep a high level of elasticity during the entire animal’s life cycle.

    *More information on the realized tests.

    Readable marking on long term

    The process control and marking equipments, numbers, bar codes, logos, on ARDES visual ear tags, guarantees a long-lasting legibility. Laboratories’ tests conclude that the marking can stay legible after more than 8 years on the animal’s ear.

    Reliable identification

    Fast healing

    ARDES visual ear tags meet the animal health requirements.

    Indeed, the healing is accelerated: by a clear and precise incision during the tagging, (thanks to a stainless steel metal tip of the male ear tag); by a limitation of the proliferation of bacteria (thanks to a free movement between the male and female parts of ear tags).
    With ARDES ear tags, the risk of ovalization, enlargement of the orifice created by the perforation and the risk of infection, are almost nil.

    Easily escapes to the traps

    The Premium Polyurethane ensures elasticity and resistance of identification ear tags. This flexibility is superior to the standard competition. ARDES ear tags release themselves more easily from restraint systems present on breedings (feed fences, barbed-wire fences, barriers…) and from natural traps (boughs, brush, bramble bushes…)

    *More information on the realized tests.

    The ageing test of plastic material

    The ageing test of plastic material, NFT 51-181 standard, was realized with the Technical Center for Mechanical Industry (CETIM). It simulates the effect of climatic conditions on ear tags with several cycles humidity-heat-UV during 1000h. As a conclusion, the plastic material preserves performing physical and mechanical characteristics.

    The traction resistance test

    The traction resistance test, ISO527 standard, was realized with the Technical Center for Mechanical Industry (CETIM) in order to define the strength which drives to the breaking of the connection of the identification ear tags. The calculated strength is about 35,7daN that is to say 10% higher than the competition.

    The 99% retention rate was evaluated during a test in 60 breedings (dairy farms and suckler-cows farms) during 2 years on 4300 Cattle tagged with 4300 ARDES ear tags. 2 years later, 4265 (99.20%) placed ear tag are evaluated without defects on the animal’s ear.

    The abrasion test

    The abrasion test, ISO 868 standard, was realized with the Technical Center for Mechanical Industry (CETIM) in order to determine the abrasion resistance of the marking. The marking is certified legible after 900 abrasion turns which are equivalent to an 8 year presence on the animal’s ear in breeding conditions.

    The hardness test material

    The hardness test material, ISO 868 standard, was realized with the Technical Center for Mechanical Industry (CETIM) in order to determine the flexibility of the visual ear tags. The calculated hardness is 45 ShoreD, better than the standard competition.

    Standards and certificates

    Official approvals including Greece, Ireland, Hungary and France

    The Research and Development department got involved in the obtaining of the official approval of ARDES identification ear tags in numerous countries. A serie of tests is realized to answer to more and more drastic specifications concerning the animal traceability.

    Test of tensile strength according to the ISO 527standard  35.7 daN is the calculated strength to break up the connection between the female ear tag and the male ear tag: 10% higher than the competition.

    Test in the field during 2 years to calculate the retention rate

    99.20% from 4300 tagged ear tags on 4300 cattle was evaluated without defects on the animal’s ear after 2 years.

    Aging test of the material according to the NFT 51-181 standard

    The identification ear tag’s plastic material, premium polyurethane (TPU), keeps effective physical and mechanical characteristics.

    Hardness test material according to the standard ISO 868

    The plastic material hardness of identification ear tags, premium polyurethane (TPU), is 45 ShoreD, better than the standard competition.

    Test of resistance to abrasion of the marking according to the standard NFT 30165-1991

    The marking is certified legible after 900 abrasion turns, equivalent to an 8 years presence on the animal’s ear, in breeding conditions.

    Consult Reseach & Development page

    Our advice



    Our experience and proximity with users enable us to bring precious advices. Opt now for the good buckle practices of tagging.


    All visual ear tags are available blank or printed. Choose the best marking solution thanks to our in-house expertise.

    Size according to the animal

    See the actual female and male ear tags’ size on the specification sheets and choose the good size for visual ear tags according to the animal.


    ARDES visual ear tags are available in 6 standards colours. Yellow and white ear tags bring a better contrast to read the marking. Colours can also refer to different elements, according to the breeder’s will : month of the year, year of birth, animal’s race, vaccinated animal or not, suitable colours for breeding farms…

    ARDES suggests in addition to the 6 standards colours, additional colours, specifically developed to suit to requests.

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